There are always Flowers...

There are always flowers for those who want to see them - Henri Matisse

I love this quote! I have been doing quite a lot of calligraphy over the last couple of weeks. It’s been a really therapeutic way to unwind in lockdown two in the UK, particularly as the weather hasn’t been great, its been a good alternative to walking which I loved in the first lockdown as a way to relax.

Whilst studying for my MA in Illustration in 2016, my practice was greatly influenced by looking at Matisse’s cut outs of botanicals. I love his use of vibrant colours within his cut outs, and the use of repetition. Studying these works in turn inspired my surface pattern designs and reflecting nature within my work.

I thought it would be nice to write out this quote and photograph it along with some of my flower inspired products!

Hope you are all safe and well in lockdown 2 x

henri matisse quote calligraphy.jpg