Pitton Primary School signage & mural

It’s the beginning of a new school year, and over the summer Pitton Primary School printed and installed the new signage I illustrated for them, which is so great to see up on display! The brief was to create signage which celebrated the wonderful natural landscape that surrounds the school, and also had a bright, welcoming feel to greet the students and parents.

I worked in Adobe Illustrator to create these designs, which allows the drawings to be vectorised, meaning they can be blown up to any size and not get pixelated. It’s not my usual programme of choice to work in, but I’m glad I pushed myself to create the designs in Illustrator as I am chuffed with the results, the crisp lines and bold colours work brilliantly for the primary school signage.

In 2022 I also created a hand-painted mural for Pitton Primary school in their outdoor pavilion, the design links to the new 2023 signage, as both include all the creatures you may spot from the school playground! The mural was painted with acrylics, and sealed to protect from the weather.