Window Wonderland

During October and November 2021, I worked on a fantastic project with Wiltshire Creative called Window Wonderland.

Window Wanderland is a project for the whole community, started in Bristol in 2015 and is now seen across the country. This year it arrived in Salisbury for the first time kindly supported through funding from Wiltshire Council and event support from Salisbury City Council.

The Theme this year was Diwali, which is a festival that is all about light triumphing over darkness, celebrated by various religions such as Hinduism. Myself and two other artists worked with community groups throughout October to create window displays to be viewed in different shop windows throughout the city. The decorations were made from layers of tissue paper and card, with an emphasis on light, positivity and happiness being portrayed in the designs. At night, the decorations were lit from behind, allowing the light to shine through with a stained glass effect. The perfect way to portray light over darkness!

We were also commissioned to create our own window displays, the picture below shows mine! My design is celebrating nature and how it works beautifully together as a whole ecosystem. The design is also inspired by traditional pattern designs. It was on display at Goldsmiths jewellers over Diwali.

Thank you Wiltshire Creative for inviting me to be part of this project, it was so much fun and amazing to see it all come together and also learn about the Diwali festival.